Saturday, January 20, 2007

Days Nineteen and Twenty

Days nineteen and twenty almost blend together...

Day Nineteen
Good work day on Friday. Got a lot done but still can't seem to catch up on everything. More stuff keeps rolling in. And in. And in.

Nice dinner date and a terrific steak.

Average Daily Mood: 7
Average Daily Sky: 6
Notable Food Consumption: That steak I mentioned earlier.

Day Twenty
The weather couldn't decide what it wanted to do today. First grey, then a little snowy, then more grey with some hints of sun... Sun right before sundown. Great.

Cleaned most of the house today in anticipation for Monday's couch "event". Rearranged the furniture and now our old futon has taken up residence in the TV room. Which is really nice, because all we have back there for furniture is three camp chairs. Comfy, but not exactly "classy".

Earlier in the week, we were supposed to have friends visit this weekend. They cancelled. We were invited to a party for tonight... we didn't go. Decided to keep cleaning instead. Not exactly how I prefer to spend my Saturday nights, but then again I'm not feeling all that spectacular and if it really is some sort of bug I don't want to spread it around.

Since this blog is *somewhat* about the weather and its affect on my well-being, I added a super-snazzy weather module off to the right courtesty of check it out - now you can see the weather I'm dealing with at any given time. (Share my pain?)

Sigh. It's past 8pm and I'm still in my pajamas.
Average Daily Mood: 4
Average Daily Sky: 5
Notable Food Consumption: A nice bowl of spaghetti.

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