Monday, August 13, 2007

I've been out and about...

Fall is on its way. I can feel it.

Was the tilt of the sun a little bit different today? The air a little less humid? The sky bright blue, but just a little more 'crisp' than it has been? Yes. All of the above. The neighbor's sycamore tree has already started to drop, as has the chestnut hovering over my back deck. The dog days of summer are nearly over.

I'm very much a Fall person. I'd rather be wearing a sweater and jeans than tank tops and shorts. Time to shed those dreaded (but necessary in Pittsburgh humidity) clothing articles. It's almost time to switch out of those colors that never really agree with me and back into the cozy creams, dark greens, burnt reds and blacks that I feel so much better in.

In speaking of change, a step back to what I've been up to the past few weeks.

A while back, I promised myself I was going to start doing things I've been wanting to do for a long time. Things I've been holding myself back from, things that I was being held back from by outside sources, things I just never got around to doing but should have.

I've started to do some of those things, take them on so to speak. And I'm just getting started. I've been having the time of my life the past few weeks. Taking a day or two off work here and there, something which I NEVER did before unless absolutely necessary (even when I had plenty of days). Going places I've never been and seeing things I've wanted to see. All the while trying to come to terms with things in my past that haunt me, and things in my present that torture me. Attempting not to have some sort of crisis in my 30s.

It has been an interesting journey so far. For those of you interested, I'll let you know what happens from here.


Evo Terra said...

Yes! You are getting it. Take *more* time off. The world won't end. Be happy, dammit. I insist!

Myrddin said...

See see even your boss says you need to have more fun and be more happy. I play my part but you have to let me and just let go sometimes.