Tuesday, August 21, 2007

The Power of Words

I have discovered the joy and heartache of a brand new book, at the recommendation of my yoga teacher.

She brought it to class a few weeks ago, and I happened to see it out the corner of my eye during my last jaunt to the bookstore to purchase (you guessed it) the last Harry Potter. Since I can never read just one book at a time anyway, I added it to my stack.

I started it a couple of weeks ago, about the same time I started Harry Potter, but I was in such a race (with myself and two others) to finish, I fell a little behind on the new book. I now wish that hadn't happened, because right around the time I made that purchase was the same time I really NEEDED the book. Without even realizing it.

A couple days ago I plucked this book back off the shelf to give it another go, and started over. Reading a few pages here and there, slowly bringing myself from the world of wizards and magic into someone else's real-life story of struggle, learning and discovery. And last night, I fell so deep into it at one point I was certain that someone had tipped a bucket of ice water over my head. And when the water was gone, proceeded to throw the bucket square at me. And then kick me in the shins.

Parallels between this book and my life at present leaped off the pages. I needed a pencil, and fast. I haven't needed a pencil since the first time I read The Dharma Bums, and that's been many years ago.

I grabbed a pencil and dove back in. I'm making a mess of this book, and damn does it feel good.

The book? Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert. Thanks, Elizabeth, for sharing.


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