Sunday, January 28, 2007

A quick one before bed...

Spent a lot of time in front of the TV this evening, burning my brain on Robot Chicken. Seriously the best show on the planet right now... Happened to find Season one at FYE on supersale at the mall. 100% money well spent.

Went out for dinner - that was nice.

I spent some time "sanitizing" the house today... and when I say "sanitizing," I don't mean in the traditional, cleaning-up way. What I do mean is "sanity-izing". I added some nice accessories to every door leading to the outside of the house. I have even more to add tomorrow, but they're a little bit more complicated to do and will take some time. It's just about the only thing I can do for right now, short of running out and buying a pit bull tomorrow. Can't do that though - there would be a couple unhappy dwellers in this castle if I did.

Been trying to check in on Joe all day - but can't seem to get onto any of the sites where I know I can find an upate. I can't even find any comments posted on Digg due to high traffic... Will be checking in early morning.

Since I spent way too much time today in places without windows (isn't it evil how malls don't have them, so you have no clue how much time you've spent there?), my self-diagnosis isn't sure to be exactly accurate. Take it with a grain of salt.

Average Daily Mood: 4
Average Daily Sky: 6
Notable Food Consumption: ribs & coleslaw

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